3D-Druck hat das Potential Digitales real werden zu lassen.
Wo führen uns aktuelle Entwicklungen additiver Fertigung hin und welche Möglichkeiten eröffnen sie?
Interdisziplinäres Arbeiten im Team bereitet Chancen für kreative neue Wege- denn Innovation erfordert den Blick für das Gesamte.
Wer sind die Pioniere dieser Zeit, die diese Wege beschreiten, Bekanntes mit neuen Techniken verknüpfen und damit Unvorherseh-bares, Unbekanntes, Bereicherndes, Neues schaffen? Gestalter, die mit innovativen Ideen den Fortschritt vorantreiben, konzeptionelle und praktische Lösungen aufzeigen und über den Tellerrand hinausschauen!
Design, Architektur, Automotiv, FashionTech, MedTech
Preisgeld von 15.000 Euro
Ausstellung auf der Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D in Erfurt (20.–22. Juni 2017)
Ausstellungals Roadshow auf internationale Messen
Preisverleihung im Rahmen eines Galaabends
Weitere Preise wurden durch unsere Partner ausgelobt:
MakerBotEMEA prämierte die beste studentische Einreichung mit einem MakerBot Replicator Mini+
und designreport stellte 5 Online-Abonnements (englisch oder deutsch) für die Gewinner bereit!
All finalists will be part of the 3DPC 2017 Roadshow.The roadshow stops after this exhibition in Erfurt will be announced shortly.
We are happy to announce our first roadshow-stop! Our finalists of 3DPC 2017 "Immortality" and "Modeclix" will be walking at the 3D Fashion presented by Voxelworld and Lexus. The 3D Fashion show is unique in Germany and the highlight of the Platform Fashion Düsseldorf!
The silent revolution : Modern manufacturing methods! aed invites for interesting lectures showing also 3DPC finalists 2017.
Sonderschau of 3DPC 2017 Finalists at Haus.Bau.Ambiente. - whilst the anniversary of the trade fair.
The Subcontractor Fair organised by ELMIA, Jönköping, is the leading trade fair for the technical subcontracting industry for the manufacturing sector in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. It is the place to be for decision-makers, constructors and designers. Following the great successes of recent years, HAUTE INNOVATION has now been invited to Sweden for the fifth time to put together a special area with trends on current material developments and technological innovations. The focus will be on smart materials, bio-based and sustainable material solutions, innovative lightweight construction and additive manufacturing - 3DPC is participating for the second time!
The INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR - Internationale Eisenwarenmesse - Cologne 2018, in cooperation with the future agency HAUTE INNOVATION from Berlin, presents a special exhibition and an event programme with a focus on additive production and spare parts manufacturing. The exhibition will provide an overview of the potential of additive production for the DIY market, specialised trade and online trade, spare parts production with additive manufacturing processes and insights into new business models with 3D printing & Co. Within the framework of the special area, more than 30 exhibits will demonstrate what is already possible in additive production today.