Fokus 2019

Additive Fertigungsverfahren gehören zu den Innovationen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Kaum ein Tag vergeht an dem die Technologie einen nicht mit etwas Neuem überrascht. Sie gehört mittlerweile fest in Hochschulprogramme und an Technische Universitäten sowie Institute. Der 3D Druck steht an der Schwelle um in Industrielle Fertigungsprozesse integriert zu werden.
Die Technologie drängt sich zudem seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr nur in den Vordergrund – als Hidden Champion agiert sie als „Enabler“ vieler Konzepte und Innovationen, ja sogar ganz neuer Geschäftsfelder. Die Bedürfnisse des Menschen stehen durch individuelle Lösungen im Vordergrund. Ersatzteilbeschaffung wird neu gedacht. Nicht zuletzt Systemleichtbau schafft Nachhaltigkeit. Soziale Projekte werden durch 3D Druck in und auf manchen Gebieten erst ermöglicht.
Pionierdenken benötigt auch den Mut des Umsetzens, neue Wege einzuschlagen.
Die 3DPC sucht diese Pioniere, die den 3D Druck weiterdenken. Wo ist er Enabler, wo steht er im Vordergrund?


Flyer aller 3DPC2019 Finalisten zum Download


3d printed heart
Tel Aviv University
Dvir Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Dept. of Molecular Micro. & Biotechnology George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology _ Noor Nadav, Dr. Assaf Shapira, Dr. Reuven Edri, Idan Gal, Lior Wertheim, Dr. Tal Dvir
Alfa Romeo Twin Spark CON ROD
Dunamis-Cognitio Limited
Obasogie Okpamen, Obasogie Osasumwen
Design of Coral Reef Seed Units
Emerging Objects
Ronald Rael, Virginia San Fratello, Sandy Curth, Logman Arja, SECORE International
Jetsuit Gravity
Gravity Industries
Richard Browning, Sam Rogers and Alex Wilson; EOS
3D-Painted Hyperelastic Bone
Dimension Inx LLC
Adam Jakus
Rocket combustion chamber demonstrator, built through generative algorithms.
Hyperganic Technologies AG
Michael Gallo, Lin Kayser, Duy-Anh Pham, Stefan Bindl, Markus Finke
Stealth Padlock and Key
UrbanAlps AG
Dr. Alejandro Ojeda, Jiri Holda, Dr. Alexander Schnell, Otakar Flek, Jana Bradlova
Upprinting Food
Upprinting Food
Elzelinde van Doleweerd, Vita Broeken

Special Mention

Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy (AMIE 1.0)
The University of Tennesse
Maged Guerguis, Leif Eikevik, Andrew Obendorf, Lucas Tryggestad, Tanvi Parikh, Brian Lee, Philip Enquist, William Baker, Benton Johnson, Scott Poole, Kaushik Biswas, Randall Lind, Brian Post, Roderick Jackson, Lonnie Love.
Jetsuit Gravity
Gravity Industries
Richard Browning, Sam Rogers and Alex Wilson; EOS
Swarm 3D Printing and Assembly Robots
AMBOTS/University of Arkansas
Lucas Galvan Marques, Robert Austin Williams, Wenchao Zhou


RoMA: Robotic Modeling Assistant
University of Maryland, College Park
Huaishu Peng, Jimmy Briggs, Cheng-Yao Wang, Kevin Guo, Joseph Kider, Stefanie Mueller, Patrick Baudisch, François Guimbretière
BCS Bamboo
Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Technische Universität München
Tobias Bahne, Jonas Schikore
Roboy 2.0
Devanthro UG
Rafael Hostettler, Jürgen Lippl, Simon Trendel, Li Chen, Benedikt Bauer, Christine Hümmer, Daniel Suckfüll, Luis Vergara, Michael Danzl, Nikhil Jaikishan, Oskar Haller, Ramprasad Rajagopalan, Rodrigo Moscoso
Overcome the bottleneck
trinckle 3D GmbH
Bruno Costa, Dr. Ole Bröker (trinckle), Lars Bognar, Raphael Koch (Ford)
Glassomer - 3D Printing of Transparent Glass
Glassomer GmbH
Dr. Frederik Kotz, Patrick Risch, Dr. Dorothea Helmer, Prof. Bastian Rapp
Marta Karkocha, Kamilla Pikul, Dawid Dubanosow
Autonomes Bauen
HTW - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Tony Jankowski

Stealth Padlock and Key
UrbanAlps AG
Dr. Alejandro Ojeda, Jiri Holda, Dr. Alexander Schnell, Otakar Flek, Jana Bradlova
Noumena Design Research Education SL.
Aldo Sollazzo, Founder and CEO of Noumena / Eugenio Bettucchi, Expert on computational design of Noumena / Laura Civetti, Fashion tech Designer of Noumena / Josep Sivera, Technical Director of Primlab Global / Juan Carlos Llobrega Director de I+D+I Primlab Global / Cecilia Raspanti, Designer of Waag
Swarm 3D Printing and Assembly Robots
AMBOTS/University of Arkansas
Lucas Galvan Marques, Robert Austin Williams, Wenchao Zhou
3DMP components for Deutsche Bahn
Rolf Lenk Werkzeug- u. Maschinenbau GmbH
Rolf Lenk, Gefertec, Deutsche Bahn
Eric Esser Design
Philipp Hainke (Mock-Up / Design), Eric Esser (Design / CAD / 3D Print)
NERA Big Rep 2
Daniel Büning (Co-Founder & Director NOWLAB), Marco Mattia Cristofori (Lead Designer), Maximillian Sedlak, Tobias Storz, Mirek Classen, Lindsay Lawson, Marco Backenhaus
What the future
Janne Kyttanen
Dr Giuseppe Scionti, Oscar Alegre
Omni Platform
Daniel Büning (Co-Founder and Director NOWLAB), Marco Backenhaus (Lead Designer), Mirek Classen, Tobias Storz, Marco Mattia Cristofori, Maximilian Sedlak, Lindsay Lawson
Fractal gears and wheels bearing
fractal gears
Sherif Eldeeb
Conforming Cooling for Bugatti
Rolf Lenk Werkzeug- u. Maschinenbau GmbH
Gregor Sodeikat (Rolf Lenk), Ralf Frohwerk (SLM Solutions AG), Frank Götzke (Bugatti)
Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy (AMIE 1.0)
The University of Tennesse
Maged Guerguis, Leif Eikevik, Andrew Obendorf, Lucas Tryggestad, Tanvi Parikh, Brian Lee, Philip Enquist, William Baker, Benton Johnson, Scott Poole, Kaushik Biswas, Randall Lind, Brian Post, Roderick Jackson, Lonnie Love.
Computed Axial Lithography
University of California, Berkeley: Mechanical Engineering
Brett Kelly, Indrasen Bhattacharya, Hossein Heidari, Maxim Shusteff, Chris Spadaccini, Hayden Taylor
pd|z, ETH Zürich
Daniel Erne, Fabian Wiesemüller, Fabian Soffel, Shalaby Abdelrahmen, Manuel Gerold
Alfa Romeo Twin Spark CON ROD
Dunamis-Cognitio Limited
Obasogie Okpamen, Obasogie Osasumwen
Upprinting Food
Upprinting Food
Elzelinde van Doleweerd, Vita Broeken
Rapid Liquid Printing

Christophe Guberan, Bjorn Sparrman, Schendy Kernizan, Jared Laucks and Skylar Tibbits
3d printed heart
Tel Aviv University
Dvir Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Dept. of Molecular Micro. & Biotechnology George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology _ Noor Nadav, Dr. Assaf Shapira, Dr. Reuven Edri, Idan Gal, Lior Wertheim, Dr. Tal Dvir
Jetsuit Gravity
Gravity Industries
Richard Browning, Sam Rogers and Alex Wilson; EOS
Tailored ski boots
Materialise GmbH
Reto Rindlisbacher, Benjamin Schmitt, Sonja Rasch, Alireza Parandian, Philippe Laes, Frank Küchelmann
Studio Deussen
Tim Deussen, Mario Alberto, Irfanraza
GAMMA: Space Exploration Lander
Autodesk, Inc.
Autodesk Research: Karl Willis, Daniele Grandi, Andreas Bastian, Arthur Harsuvanakit, John Schmier, Mark Davis _ NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab: Raul Polit Casillas, Rafael Martinez, Christine Gebara, Tom Cwik
3D-Painted Hyperelastic Bone
Dimension Inx LLC
Adam Jakus
Rocket combustion chamber demonstrator, built through generative algorithms.
Hyperganic Technologies AG
Michael Gallo, Lin Kayser, Duy-Anh Pham, Stefan Bindl, Markus Finke
Cutting Tools for Aerospace Machining
RMIT University, School of Engineering, Centre for Additive Manufacturing
Mr Jimmy Timothy Toton, Dr Stephen James Dowey, Associate Professor Songlin Ding, Professor Milan Brandt
Universität der Künste Berlin
Cathryn McAnespy
3D-Druck:Katalysator gelebter Inklusion
Jannis Breuninger, Eva Stahl, Clemens Rieth
Design of Coral Reef Seed Units
Emerging Objects
Ronald Rael, Virginia San Fratello, Sandy Curth, Logman Arja, SECORE International
Alpa Platon
Inspire AG / pd|z, ETH Zürich
Daniel Omidvarkarjan, Ralph Rosenbauer, David Ochsner, Harry Woodfin, Ihno Fehrendt, Daniele Cipriano, Helen Meyer, Peter Balicki, Tilman Bohn, Filippo Fontana, Daniel Temperli


Dr. Justus Bobke

Vorsitzender Verband 3DDruck, Berlin

Diana Drewes

Haute Innovation, Zukunftsagentur für Material und Technologie, Berlin

Stephan Eelman

BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH, Business Director Service Solutions & Metal Systems

Sarah Goehrke

Additive Integrity LLC

Arno Held

Chief Venture Officer AM Ventures

Andrej Kupetz

Hauptgeschäftsführer Rat für Formgebung

Ross Lovegrove

Lovegrove Studio

Silvia Olp

Vorstand aed e.V.

Prof. Gilles Retsin

Architekt und Designer und Program Director (AD) an der Bartlett School of Architecture in London

Patrik Schumacher

Zaha Hadid Architects

Vanessa Sigurdson

Manufacturing Industry Engagement Manager, Autodesk Technology Centers

Dr. Dirk Simon


Joachim Stumpp

raumPROBE Geschäftsführer

Andreas Velten

IFA3D Medical Solutions GmbH

Andreas Velten

IFA3D Medical Solutions GmbH

Christoph Völcker

Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co KG

Wolf Udo Wagner


Anouk Wipprecht

Anouk Wipprecht, FashionTech Designer


25.07.2019 – 27.07.2019
Rapid.Tech 3D _ Messe Erfurt

The Exhibition at the Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D in June 2019 was a full success.The exhibition of the finalists will be shown as a roadshow over one year at various national and international locations. Among others, there will be the 3DCafé in the German Bundestag by the 3DDruck e.V. association in Berlin. The 3D Pioneers Challenge will once again present the highlights of the challenge 2019 to politics as an international platform for 3D printing.

12.09.2019 – 13.09.2019
3D KonzeptLabs, Verband 3D Druck e.V., Berlin

Whilst the 3DKonzept Lab 3DPC presents projects of the finalists of 3DPC 2019.

16.09.2019 – 17.09.2019
Mobility goes Additive Annual Meeting, Marienpark Berlin, Germany

Mobility goes Additive is an international network for industrial Additive Manufacturing which acts as a central platform for providing solutions for the challenges facing the AM industry. Each year, the network hosts its MgA Annual Meeting to bring together AM industry professionals and companies. A big thank you to our partner Deutsche Bahn for this Roadshowstop.

Schreinerinnung Baden-Württemberg

This year's 14th Baden-Württemberg SchreinerTag will take place in Baienfurt near Weingarten, Germany. This year again, visitors will benefit from a proven mix of lectures, supplier marketplace and exchange of experience. Simone Völcker will present the highlights of 3DPC at a lecture pushing the following questions regarding 3D Printing: What is possible today? What is the range of materials and manufacturing processes? What about hybrids and enabler interfaces to the trade. How can you produce? Think outside the box- project examples/innovations of the 3D printing industry.

12.11.2019 – 15.11.2019
Haute Innovation / Elmia Subcontractor Trade Show, Jönköping/Schweden

The Elmia Subcontractor InnoDex trade show in Jönköping is the leading tradeshow for technical supply industry of the production branche in Northeurope and Scandinavia. For the seventh time Haute Innovation organizes the secial exhibition space with trends and actual material developments as well as innovations in technology. 3DPC is on board also for the 4th year.

3D-Café, German Bundestag, Berlin

The 5th 3D-Café in the German Bundestag together with our partner Verband 3DDruck – To exchange ideas with MPs on current 3D printing issues.

Offiicial 3D Hubs DACH Launch Event _ MotionLab.Berlin

We are happy to celebrate together with our partner 3D Hubs the Official 3D Hubs DACH Launch!What to expect: 3D Hubs presentation, panel discussion, speakers, 3DPC 2019 exhibition, networking beside fingerfood and drinks.Speakers will be for instance our jurymembers of 3DPC 2020 Stefanie Brickwede of Deutsche Bahn and the network Mobility goes Additive e.V as well as Christoph Völcker.Where: MotionLab.Berlin, Bouchéstraße 12, Halle 20, 12435 Berlin, Germany


